One of the best advantages of the Internet is the access to International business and suppliers. One of the best for Internet marketing is:

Marketing and networking in a country outside your own can be surprisingly different, with different currencies, and business customs. The following list of International sites will aid in developing an International business scope. There are Worldwide Telephone Directories on-line including white, yellow and fax pages from most countries. It is helpful to start with the United States Federal Trade Commission's site.
Costa Rica
Europe and The United Kingdom
General International Trade Links

How to do Business in Mexico (FAQ) contains general rules for business dealings in Mexico. As with mostgeneralizations, they are not always accurate and there are exceptions --both positive and negative--to all what is written here. Do not let stereotypes get in the way of your business.
Dr.Marc I. Ehrlich, Doing business in Mexico Mexico is not another suburb of the United States. It is a foreign country; with its unique history, customs, and ways of doing business. Doing business in Mexico, therefore, is more difficult thanmost people think. Without a roadmap... its remarkably easy to get lost!

Australian Consumer Affairs Bureau
Australian Consumers Association

Selling in Canada is a site devoted to the Canadian marketing, along with setting up anddoing business in Canada.
Industry Canada Office of Consumer Affairs
Consumers Association of Canada

Better Business Bureau: Costa Rica

AltMar International Trade is an international trade management and marketingcompany promoting small to medium size businesses internationally. We specialize in doing businesswith Russia and other NIS countries as we feel this is one of the best emerging markets where thereward justifies the risk. We have been involved in Russian and USSR business since 1985 and as aresult have developed a substantial knowledge of business tactics and protocols.

MedicusLinks is a comprehensive bilingual directory of medical sites in Japan andglobally.
Japan Related Web Links: List of Web Lists

AAI- The IsraelBusiness and Art Information Center The objective of this site is to be a channel for investment projects and business connections with companies, agencies & fine Art in Israel.

European Commission Consumer Page
The European Business Directory isan online business directory with over 150,000 European businesses whereyou can search for by country, companies or products.

TradeNetWorld ServiceHomepage is a membership organization comprised of more than 6,000 professional importers and exporters located in virtually every country around the world...
Global Reach is an International online marketing/communications and Websitetraffic-building firm. We assist clients in implementing an online approach to buildtheir export sales.
Practical support inmarketing your product in Europe Michael Richter, who travelled all continents for 25 years, learning tounderstand their mentalities, specializes in assisting European companies to goabroad and foreign companies to work successfully in Europe. Assistance is givenfrom market research through getting the right clients/distributors to practicalassistance in customer support.
AdAge -Interactive Media and Marketing Business-to-Business Internet- thepreeminent source of marketing, advertising and media news,information and analysis.
International Business Resources on the WWW
Export USA Consulting, Seminars andTraining Publications
FITA Home Page The Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA), founded in 1984, fosters internationaltrade by strengthening the role of local, regional, and national associations throughout the UnitedStates that have an international mission.
Davis,Keller & Davis International Arbitration, Mediation, Debt Recovery &Counselling

Welcome to The Association for International Business
The links below lead to the sites of fellow members in the Association forInternational Business. A network of 6000 business professionals from 150nations.
If you want find out more about this high-powered community Click here and visit the AIB homepage.Links to Individual Member's Sites
Sorted byRegions
Global Trade Network Ltd
Exporters of Agricultural Produce from Nigeria.
Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific
Good People
Top of the line image projection anywhere on earth.
The advertising andmarketing site.
Webdesign and Internet Consulting. New Zealand
Malesco Wine Brokers
Malesco is an international Bulk wine trade company. We specialise insending bulk wine shipments from internationally recognised wine producers,to buyers and bottlers around the world.Malesco also arranges Bottled wine sales and buyers own brands.
Europe, Middle East and North Africa
Business Credit Management UK
Your resource for UK credit management including credit information reports on UK companies and businesses. A company formation service is also available together with other business information products.
Dorset Cereals Ltd
Manufacturers of high quality breakfast cereals including muesli andcrunchy products. Exporters to 45 countries on four continents.
Multi Resolutions Ltd.
Image and Data Analysis Software Package, Documentation, Book
Professional Seminar - London and Karlsruhe, 8-9 and 16-17 September 1998
Qualum CPD
Qualum CPD is a multi-disciplinary firm specialising in computer (MacOS)consulting, publishing of technical and how-to books, and databasedesign. Based in London, UK, we provide for customers in mostEnglish-speaking countries as well as Israel.
SCM France
Import/export between France and South Africa. Marketing specialist and Expert in International Trade and Finance. Consultant in global projectsbuilding providing complete business plans. The site contains a database on southern african countries related links and infos.
Select Events
Select Events provide comprehensive event-management services for tradeshows, product launches, meetings, conferences, concerts and tours.
VAT Recovery Corp.
How to recover up to 25% of your business expenses in Europe-VAT (ValueAdded Tax) refund! VAT is levied in European countries on most goods andservices.
VAT Recovery Corporation, based in Germany, specialises in reclaimingforeign VAT for companies world-wide.
Latin America
MexTrade's mission is to Promote International Trade with Mexico, makingtheTrade connections you need with Mexican Companies or Abroad.
North America
Writing, editing, and design of the various kinds of reading matter that business and technical people need to produce: proposals, reports,brochures, manuals, articles, books, etc. for print and the Internet
THE place business people start every business day - have most of what youwill need close at hand. A "virtual desk" - a Daily Starting Point. Avoidthe clutter and timewasting that interrupts any business use of the www.
Emulgen Laboratries
Manufacturers of JUVENESSE and other leading cosmetical products.
4K International Inc.
4K International Inc. is a business brokerage creating a network of brokersvia the internet around the world.
Global Studies Resource Center at Highline Community College
The Global Studies Resource Center offers customized training programs andacess to an International Experts Database.Global Travel Appartments
Temporary, furnished accommodations the world over for Business andleisure travellers. 200,000 furnished apartments provide home away fromhome comforts in more than 125 major cities in 26 countries.
International ProjectsGroup
International Projects Group structures/obtains international project/tradefinance, arranges strategic alliances & joint ventures, conducts specialconsulting assignments. Has an extensive proprietary database of financingsources worldwide. Located near Washington, D.C.
Janaky InternationalCorporation
INDIA: UNLIMITED AVENUES TO AN UNLIMITED MARKETAn information-rich business resource, updated every working day, with aninteractive forum on doing business in India and a comprehensive feature onIndia market entry strategy.
The Joint Venture Home Page encourages small and medium sized businessesto joint venture with others for increased profit and provides a linkbetween prospective joint venture partners.
Deborah Kluge
Independent Consultant. Proposal Writing/Proposal Management forOrganizations Bidding on Government Contracts.
Management Specialist International Development - Technical AssistanceProjects
Neumann SoutheyInternational
Neumann Southey International Inc. is a consulting firm specializing inproviding staffing solutions that address the unique needs of thetechnology industry.
Ronnie Oldham
I'm a 37 year old sales & marketing professional back in school getting adegree in International Business. My site contains info on myinternationaltravels and lots of business related links and info.
P & D Creative Co.
P&D Creative Co. with the help of Unique Colloidal technologymaunufactures, completely safe non-toxic 100% Biodegradable Household &Industrial Cleaning Products. Company seeking Distributor/Agent worldwide.
Profnet, Inc is a professional business lead generation corporation.Profnet Inc, and Just Business, Inc. help business professionals find morebusiness in a non-competitive environment through participation inbusiness netwoking groups.
Quality Quest International
Quality Quest International, Ltd. is a U.S. based export marketing andmanagement company with the largest sales agent network of its kind inthe CIS (former USSR) and Baltic States.
Rap Lin Rie
Teaching and promoting Rap Lin Rie to the world.This, the only WorldBrief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers tofree international correspondence between all countries.
Royal Flush Automatic Draft Beer Lines Cleaning System. To providecustomers satisfaction with the cleanest, clearest draft beer possible.
Static Terminators
We help our clients protect their people and equipment by eliminating 95%of the harmful static electricity in their workplace.
Unique Finds
Unique Finds is in business to provide creative gift solutions through theutilization of candles. Our industry-specific candles present corporationsand other entities with one more option for creative incentive marketing,motivation and customer retention campaigns.
WelDril Products, Inc
For more than 20 years we have been manufacturing the best and most costeffective Cement Extending and Lost Circulation products available to theoilwell cementing industry. Our products have been tested and approved bythe largest Oilwell Service and Cementing Companies; Dowell Schlumberger,BJ Services and Halliburton Service Co.
WorldwideCommunication Network
Worldwide Communication Network offers an international prepaid phonecard. For travellers and anyone wanting to save on long distance.
Check this page often for updates!
Profnet, Inc.
702 E 25th Street
Erie, PA
USA, 16503